City Council Meetings

As the legislative branch of the City of Skyline government, the Council holds open public meetings where local laws, policies, and basic decisions for the city are discussed and decided. Council members are elected at large.

Notice for all public meetings, along with agendas, are posted in advance of the meeting. Minutes are posted after meetings have concluded. (when available)

City Council Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month, if the meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be moved to the following Monday.  Meetings are held at the Skyline City Hall at 164 S. Skyline Drive, Mankato, MN 56001 at 6:45 p.m.  There is a 15-minute public open forum at the beginning of each meeting at which time, anyone present may address the council.

IMPORTANT: We will be using Google Meet to conduct our regular monthly meetings as well as other meetings that arise. These meetings may be recorded for council review purposes.  By joining the meeting, you are consenting to the recording of public record. Google Meet is subject to technical and user error, please show understanding if unavailable.

To join the meeting, click the following link:

Or open Google Meet and enter this meeting code:  upp-popb-ded

Thank you for your patience and participation!